Omega 3, The Smart Way To Supplement

Supplementing with omega-3 could improve reading skills in under-performing children. Budding   evidence proves that omega-3 nutrients deliver a substantial amount of health benefits. Ideally omega-3 should be derived from the diet but as every parent knows, getting a child to eat something they don’t like the taste of is difficult. That is when supplementing comes to play. Finding a something that works and tastes yummy is no longer a mission thanks to Crèche Guard.


Supplementation safeguards a child’s intake of vital nutrients and offers a convenient alternative to children who do not like the taste of oily fish. Crèche Guard’s Brain Fuel Chews are high in EPA and DHA, which assist the body in developing and maintaining aspects of brain and eye function such as concentration and learning abilities. Crèche Guard’s Brain Fuel Chews, offer a convenient and great tasting way to get the omega-3 essential fatty acids that the body needs, into the daily diet, with no fishy after taste!

Every parent and teacher knows the amount of assistance kids need during their learning years, it is important to understand the relation between nutritional intake and a child’s mental performance. A child’s brain cells need sufficient nourishment to send messages to one another; the crèche guard brain fuel chews give the brain cells enough food to help children with learning and behavioural challenges.

Crèche Guard’s Brain Fuel chews are endorsed by ADHASA deeming the product one that can contribute to the wellbeing & overall improvement of children especially those affected by ADHD. ADHASA (Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Support Group of Southern Africa) has been serving the community for 20 years. The Crèche Guard Brain Fuel chews  are available at all major retail stores and pharmacies for only R209.95.

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